[100707] 鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Original Soundtrack 3 [FLAC]
分类: 声乐
名云京志郎 于 2014/8/16 14:22:27 发布 7441 次浏览
01 | レイン (TV size) | 1:30 |
02 | Knives and Shadows | 2:15 |
03 | March of the Moving Dolls | 1:53 |
04 | Crime and Punishment | 2:12 |
05 | Ante Meridiem | 1:59 |
06 | Consonance | 3:17 |
07 | The Intrepid | 2:18 |
08 | Tribute to W.C. I | 0:22 |
09 | The Forbearer | 2:00 |
10 | Envy Revealed ~Adagio~ | 1:55 |
11 | Laws of Alchemy ~Instrumental~ | 1:28 |
12 | Heroic Bolero | 2:24 |
13 | A Soldier's Honor | 2:13 |
14 | Amestris Military March | 2:05 |
15 | Tribute to W.C. II | 0:21 |
16 | The Pendulum | 1:48 |
17 | The Day the Sun Disappeared | 1:23 |
18 | Dissident's Creed | 1:58 |
19 | In the Fray | 1:52 |
20 | Lapis Philosophorum ~Chant~ | 2:58 |
21 | Violoncello's Lament | 3:50 |
22 | Sorrowful Stone | 2:38 |
23 | Main Theme ~The Alchemist~ | 2:01 |
24 | The Awakening | 2:40 |
25 | Philosophorum Omega | 1:51 |
26 | Nightfall in Central City ~Fin~ | 3:16 |
27 | Epilogue ~A New Journey~ | 2:59 |
28 | Main Theme ~Homage to Alchemy~ | 1:28 |
29 | Trisha's Lullaby ~A Reminiscence~ | 3:32 |
30 | RAY OF LIGHT (TV Size) | 1:33 |
31 | Resembool's Lullaby | 1:59 |
Disc length 65:58
- 度娘 提取码: wo6r
名云京志郎 |